� cause d'un garçon [VHS]
Price: $503.72
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� cause d'un gar� on [VHS] Review
"You'll Get Over It" is a fine French made-for-TV movie showing how coming out affects an individual and those closest to him. Vincent Molina (played by Julien Baumgartner) is the 17-year old anchor of the school swimming relay team, is about to graduate, and is a closeted gay. He has a long-time, virgin girlfriend, Noemie (played by Julia Maraval), and a non-virgin 'buddy', Bruno (played by Nils Ohlund). This works out until Vincent hooks up with a new student, Benjamin (played by Jeremie Elkaim of "Come Undone"). People know Benjamin is gay and make the link to Vincent, who has had a compartmented life. The movie shows how Vincent and those closest to him deal with their emotions as the situation plays out.Vincent's initial withdrawal and distrustfulness are very realistically shown. The uncertainty and bargaining of his friends and family come through well. The acting is good thoughout.
There is considerable skin shown, from all of Vincent to Noemie to the swimmers and locker-room denizens.
While the movie centers on Vincent and his long-time network, I would have liked a stronger sense of how Bruno fit into Vincent's worldview and on why Benjamin and Vincent make a good fit. Jeremie Elkaim does not get much time on screen, despite his top billing and a good performance. The bonus features are just a picture gallery and some trailers.
I have noticed that recent French movies on a gay theme have been substantially better than their American counterparts. "You'll Get over It", "Close to Leo", "The Man I Love", "Confusion of Genders", "My Life on Ice", "Come Undone", and other movies all seem to have more depth of characterization and more willingness to reveal emotions, sexuality, and the human body than, say, "A Home at the End of the World".
You'll enjoy watching "You'll Get Over It".
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