Price: $333.81

Fiona Review
This film is about as gutwrenchingly real and gritty as you can get. This is NOT Pretty Woman, this is what the life of a prostitute is really like, no glamor, no fluff, no Richard Gere. Fiona's story, and those of her friends and her mother, is the story of too many women and children in our society, and unless you have no soul, this is very hard viewing. I watched this movie on late night television yesterday and the reviewer gave it one star. Well, I guess some people can't relate to the truth... The "actors" in this film appear to be "real" people from the streets. Their honesty in portraying what their world is like can only be commended. Kudos to each and every one of them and to the director as well for having the guts to do this film. The movie has a documentary feel, in the sense that you can hear the camera whirring in the background, there is no dramatic sound track, no fake moaning when one of the prostitutes has to perform a sexual act. The danger and the disempowerment these women must deal with, their heartbreaking search for love, and the disillusionment and sense of hopelessness they face are all powerfully portrayed, as is their underlying rage. So, why, you may ask, would you want to watch such a depressing movie? Because maybe it will give you a little more insight, a little more compassion, and perhaps help you to understand that fellow human being you walk past on the street. I especially recommend this film to men who frequent prostitutes...if you think they're having fun or that they are not "a person", think again...I highly recommend this movie for the brave of heart. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�CommentMost of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Fiona" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Fiona ...

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