The X-Files [VHS]
Price: $508.82
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The X-Files [VHS] Review
This set of 24 episodes from the third year of the X FILES represents what I think is the best overall season to date. Of course, when discussing a television show of the unprecedented high quality of the X FILES, "best" certainly is a qualified term. Every season, with the possible exception of the current one ( the jury is still out ) has maintained a high level of artistry and craftsmanship. In fact, I believe the X FILES is the single greatest show ever to be aired on television. In so many areas, whether it be writing, acting or the shear beauty of the production, this show is truly a miracle occurring in medium which, in truth, doesn't often rise above mediocrity. The credit for this phenomenon is shared amongst many dedicated individuals, most working behind the scenes ( Chris Carter obviously deserves special mention, as the creator of the show). For many seasons Carter maintained the integrity of an artistic vision that the Fox executives were smart enough to take a gamble on. Given the "franchise" nature of the X FILES, their gamble certainly paid off. And, if parts of the last 2 seasons have been rough ( a portent that the show will not necessarily fade gloriously into the sunset ) that does not take away from Carter and company's magnificent achievement.Although a casual awareness of the X FILES may bring to mind government conspiracy, aliens, "spooky" supernatural phenomenon, the core issues in the show are that of truth, faith, love, good and evil; those issues that have captivated mankind's imagination for as long as it has had the capacity to record its artistic, philosophical and revelatory reactions. Another very strong part of the X FILES' appeal is obviously the complex relationship between Fox Mulder and Dana Scully; one needn't be "married" ( pardon the pun ) to the notion that the show revolves COMPLETELY around some sort of nascent romantic relationship; it's sufficient to acknowledge the respect, camaraderie and genuine love ( whether it's romantic or platonic ) the two share. Mulder and Scully, two deeply serious ( however witty ) people help "ground" each other in their respective "quest" (s). As good as the actors and production team are, the writers are the bedrock of the X FILES. And, if irony constitutes one of the primary elements in the work of great writers, the core writing staff can at least be described as striving for greatness. The self-reflexive humor constantly on display in the central characters of Mulder and Scully, superbly acted by Duchovny and Anderson, fleshes out the nuances appropriate to the background of these committed and eccentric personalities. Also, the 1013 team delights in a playful, "embedded" concepts that recur time and time again in the background of the show. Without going into ridiculous detail ( which others can document better than I can ) there is a certain archetypal X FILES "iconography", which has developed more and more with each successive season. A fondness for neon lights or flashing sirens of ambulances and police cars; a humorously morbid fascination with the bathroom as a crime scene ( etc. ). One of the true beauties of the X FILES is that it so "layered" that one can appreciate it on any one of a number of levels. This is why it's possible to watch these episodes over and over again and not be bored. As far as this DVD box is concerned, the 3rd season's consistency episode to episode is magnificent. The "mythology" two-parters are tightly written, beautifully produced ( amazing stunts and cinematography ). "NISEI / 731" and "PIPER MARU/APOCRYPHA" are really "mini movies". I'm still flabbergasted that these episodes could actually be prepared for television. The "stand alone" ( or "monster of the week" ) episodes are equally well done. "OUBLIETTE" has a tremendously strong performance from David Duchovny and the guest actress; a real heartbreaker, this superior episode strikes me as a precursor to the more acclaimed 4th season "PAPER HEARTS". The ongoing exploration of Scully's conflicted inner feelings ( manifested in her two "contesting" traits, scientific rationalism and religious faith )are nicely portrayed in "REVELATIONS". "PUSHER" deserves its reputation as one of the most popular "stand alone" episodes. Its famous villain, Robert Patrick Modell, has a favored place among the most memorable evil characters from the show ( Eugene Victor Tooms and Donnie Pfaster also come to mind ). "QUAGMIRE" fits into a sort of outdoor or "forest" X FILES sub-genre ( first seen in Season 1's "DARKNESS FALLS" and continuing in Season 5's "DETOUR" ). All these "forest" episodes were hellishly difficult to film in Vancouver's rainy woods but the results are yet another of the series' delights; the location shooting is spectacular. In particular, the scene in "QUAGMIRE" with the "stranded" Mulder and Scully is priceless. Then there are writer Darin Morgan's three masterpieces, quirky and self-mocking yet at the same time strangely touching. In particular, "CLYDE BRUCKMAN'S FINAL REPOSE" and "JOSE CHUNG'S `FROM OUTER SPACE' are two of the finest individual episodes in the entire history of the X FILES. Inevitably, even in such a strong season, there are "clunkers". To a certain degree, "DPO" and "2 SHY" fit this category but I consider "HELL MONEY and especially "TESO DOS BICHOS" as the worst of the 3rd season ( however, these two episodes, judged by the standards of other television programs, would be graded more leniently ). The season closing cliffhanger,. "TALITHA CUMI", displays the type of writing, acting and production strengths exhibited throughout most of the glorious third season. This was from a time when the myth arc was fresh and excitement among fans at a fever pitch waiting through the summer for the next developments.Fnally, while it is legitimate to argue that Season 4 offered more opportunities for Gillian Anderson to develop the character of Dana Scully, Season 3 still ranks at the top for me. I'm partial to the variety and freshness of the stand alone episodes and the excitement of the mythology arc was never topped. 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