Bless the Child
Price: $488.67

Bless the Child Review
Hey...look a movie where Catholics aren't the villains! No bad priests, no psychotic nuns. For once, the devil is the devil!!!An FBI agent who actually carries a bible and was a former seminarian, but is not fanatical. BLESS THE CHILD worked for me because it was about good vs. evil, and good wins out. Critics blasted the movie, so what? It's an entertaining and ultimately frightening movie with some classic scenes. When Kim Basinger confronts the evil Rufus Sewell who says she wouldn't shoot him in front of her niece, she says "Close your eyes." And when Sewell has the little girl on the roof and mocks the temptation of Jesus by Satan, and tells her to jump from the roof and see if God or his angels rescue her, she sits and says "After you." Jimmy Smits, Ian Holm and Angela Bettis lend expert support and in a brief role, Christina Ricci proves what a dynamic young performer she can be.Cliches? Not really. The use of the special effects I feel was justifiable and creepy, and uplifting with the angels.
Want a feel good movie? This is it, folks.
There be angels....
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Bless the Child" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Bless the Child ...

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