Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Price: $555.55

Halloween III: Season of the Witch Review
When talking about the Halloween series, you'll always get the schmuck who says, "oh yeah, then there was that one that didn't even have Michael Myers in it. That was stupid". Yup, I've heard it time and time again. Most of the time this statement comes from someone who hasn't actually seen the film or is just a victim of the general consensus that says this is a terrible film coz it's not a legitimate sequel. Sure there are people out there that honestly just don't like the film, and that's cool coz there isn't a single film that everyone agrees is good. If they have reasons for not liking the film other than the lack of Myers, that's A-OK with me. Here's a little backstory. Halloween 3 was the first and only film in an experiment of John Carpenter's. Carpenter went to great lengths to show the audience at the end of Halloween 2 that Myers is dead, terminated, gone forevermore. Carpenter hated the idea of a second Myers film, but was pressured to write a second(with the help of alot of Budweiser according to Carpenter in a Halloween documentary). He left the directing to someone else coz he felt he'd already made this film before(which he did). After part 2, Carpenter decided to start an entire series of "Halloween" films, each with a different theme. One would be made each year, and come out in theaters around Halloween. If you ask me, that's a pretty cool idea. Halloween 3 was the first film in this new direction. Carpenter producing and Tommy Lee Wallace directing. However, everybody bitched about it and the idea was dead in the water. Carpenter was screwed and abandoned Halloween altogether, then Halloween producer, Akkad, saw dollar signs and brought Myers back with no more association with Carpenter. So that's it. This was a film that coulda been the start of a cool concept, but nooooooooooooooooo. Michael's not even in it, damn it! So, Halloween 3 is forever labelled as that rotten movie to avoid like the plague. So, what about the movie itself? Well, it's no masterpiece of modern cinema, but this movie deserves more attention than it gets. It certainly deserves a cult following if it hasn't got one already. It's actually quite bizarre. It's got a helluva concept that actually uses the druid roots of halloween for it's villains' motives. These points were briefly hinted at by Dr. Loomis in Halloween 2. It revolves around the pagan aspects of the holiday. In fact, while the first Halloween is a superior film to this one, this movie seems more suited to watch on Halloween than the first. It's much much Halloweeny if you catch my drift. There's some flat out crazy stuff in this movie. Plus it has Tom Atkins which is worth two stars right off the bat. You get orange blooded homicidal androids, an evil toymaking company that rules and terrorizes a town in Orwellian fashion, and some crazy friggin halloween masks. Tell me that scene where they "test run" one of the evil masks on an unsuspecting family isn't totally demented and %#$!ed up! That scene scared the hell out of me as a kid. Who can forget the Silver Shamrock song? The band Helloween sample it on one of their songs so I know at least someone out there likes this film. How bout that lady getting blasted in the mouth with the laser, and later has bugs crawling in her mouth? Wacky! And how about that ending? That's one of the coolest endings I've seen in a horror film. You certainly don't see endings like that in this day and age. Everyone wants closure, everyone wants a nice ending. Halloween 3 ain't got no nice ending. But Michael Myers isn't even in it!!! It's impossible to ignore this film's reputation, but if you dig horror films that are definitely out-there, try overcoming prejudice and check this movie out. Then if you dig it, you can proudly flip off the rest of the world for tarnishing this movie's reputation and keeping you away from it for so many years. The hell with Michael Myers I say. And don't forget to watch the big giveaway at 9!!P.S.
I had written this review a few years back when the movie was only available on a rather cruddy, bare bones DVD. I thought this was the best we were ever going to see, but I am so happy and have to give mucho thanks to Shout Factory for releasing this in a Collector's Edition, and on Blu-Ray. It's wonderful for director Tommy Lee Wallace, and others involved with the film, to finally have a voice and give their thoughts and stories on this film. Up until now there has been so little information available about the making of this film(and way too much information about the other Halloween films), and now with a Making Of.. featurette and two commentaries, we finally get some insight. I must say it was actually kind of moving to hear that Wallace was more or less devastated by the failure of this film, but in recent years has become aware of the increasing cult following. Now he seems to feel it was all worth it in the end. Very, very cool. The Shout Factory edition is a godsend, and very highly recommended.
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