Small UAV Fundamentals
Price: $650.00

Product Feature
- Undrstand Small UAVs, their classification, specifications and operations
- Understand Small UAV navigation and flight control/autopilot systems
- Understand FAA regualtions, operations and safety
- Understand Small UAV components, camera systems and other sensors
- Learn how to start a UAV business from the president of a successful company
Product Description
Do not purchase a small UAV without first taking this course. Gain a thorough working knowledge of small UAVs and sensors including operational capabilities of the most common systems available today and the technologies behind them. This DVD includes 16 hours of lectures from the popular Small UAV Design, Operations and Regulation Course offered by Unmanned Vehicle University. The course has been taught numerous times around the world at Universities and for the military services. Mr Gene Payson, President of Troy Built Models, teaches an executive level course that covers small UAV technologies and commercial applications . The course is for anyone that desires a solid understanding of Small Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles including Definitions and Types, Small UAV Sensors, Small UAV Design, Small UAV Propulsion, Small UAV Energy Storage, Small UAV Regulation, Small UAV Operations ad even includes a module on how to start a UAV business. The video is published on a DVD, in MPEG-4 format with an embedded University seal. You will receive a professional certificate after viewing all videos.Small UAV Fundamentals Review
The information was very worthwhile but having to listen to crying babies and echo chamber audio was very distracting especially for the cost of this DVD. For people that work with 100 mil dollar dromes I would think they could have done better than a poor powerpoint presentation.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Small UAV Fundamentals" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Small UAV Fundamentals ...

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