Narc [VHS]
Price: $468.35
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Narc [VHS] Review
"Narc" is one of those films almost everyone missed in theaters - and yet - through the magic of video, is destined to join the short list of the greatest crime thrillers ever made.Because its plot has been previously discussed so wonderfully by other Amazon reviewers, I won't add anything more beyond saying writer-director Joe Carnahan has crafted one of the most taut and wrenching screenplays in recent memory, complete with a shocking ending that has you sighing in amazement.You think you've seen everything in cop thrillers, and in many respects, you have indeed with "Narc." Yes, this is a story about two tarnished cops. But what's compelling and different are the spectacular, wondrous performances by Ray Liotta, Jason Patric and the entire supporting cast. Everyone associated with this production (who reportedly worked for near nothing), should feel proud of their efforts. You never get the feeling "Narc" is a low-budget picture. It feels like a big studio film, with one huge difference. Instead of a conventional and commercial narrative with everything tied at the end, you get something more believable.Without giving away the ending, which initially feels baffling - when you think about it some more, you come away knowing that a legacy associated with a "horrifying yet humane" secret buried by one cop for puzzling reasons - is inherited with greater clarity - by the other cop for eternity.Hands down, this is a film driven by fabulous performances, a complex script and a free-wheeling, dangerous atmosphere offering the grittiness of the best crime films made during the 1970s. If you like films like "The French Connection," "Dog Day Afternoon," and "Serpico" - or more recently - films like "Goodfellas," "Casino" and "Training Day," you will love "Narc."Yes, Jason Patric is fantastic. But Ray Liotta deserves special mention. In my mind, Liotta lays down the best performance of his career, better than his more memorable turn in Martin Scorcese's "Goodfellas." He's absolutely electric and so suited for this role that it's impossible to think of anyone topping it. It's a letter-perfect, towering role that feels improvised from beginning to end. When he's on screen, you can't take your eyes off him. When he speaks, you're mesmerized. The experience is like watching Gene Hackman come alive for the first time on his own in 1971's "The French Connection." The "R" rating is for violence and profanity. There's no sex, no gratuitous, over-the-top filler and nothing that makes you groan with that "I've seen it all before" disgust. Even if you disagree with the plot, what remains is acting fireworks impossible to dismiss. No one is trying to hard to win awards in "Narc," yet in retrospect, it deserved so much more from Academy members who missed it. It even plays better, emotionally, than "Traffic," another fine film that won awards but had its energy dissipated across a huge ensemble cast. That's OK. A lot of films become "classic" without winning a thing. "Narc" will be one of 'em. Wait ten years and you'll see. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment (1)Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Narc [VHS]" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Narc [VHS] ...
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