Gokud � kuroshakai [VHS]
Price: $513.78
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Gokud � kuroshakai [VHS] Review
This review for "Rainy Dog," refers to the region 4 import. Hopefully this latest version of the film is of better quality. This is a Masterpiece of a film. Moreover, it is one of those mobster films where the realistic portrayal of the actors and the cinematography give the viewer a vivid and more realistic portrayal of the world of criminals. The cameras visuals of the rain drenched streets, grimy alleys, run down hotel rooms, dark alleys, and menacing hallways give off a gritty realism that you are actually experiencing the streets of Taipei, which is where the film takes place. ALL of the actors make this film a standout. Furthermore, the near continuous rainfall in the film almost give the viewer the feeling that they are actually in the film. You can also feel the sense of dread and fear in the characters as they all give riveting performances.This is a true Masterpiece of a film. Most of the films I have seen dealing with the criminal underworld are usually set in a nice environment. Everything looks too clean. Not with this film. There are not the usual beautiful women in bikinis and crime bosses smoking cigars on their yachts. None of that silly and stylized type of film we are all too familiar with. No, this film deals with reality: At least as close as one can come to the reality of this dark world of killers. The film is drenched with an atmosphere of hate, betrayal, backstabbing, deceit, and sweat. And done so in a way that make the viewer believe that they are watching a documentary. It's almost as if the viewer is following an event in real time as the criminal world is being exposed. The films narrative centers on one killer in particular. His name is Yuuji (Sho Aikawa). And for Yuuji, being a killer is all he knows. Forget the romanticized killer the film industry most often than not gives the audience. Yuuji knows fear, and when trouble arises he can run away as fast as the bullets he shoots.
The action in the film is not the intense style one usually sees in most crime dramas. Here it is more restrained. Yuuji is a former yakuza who makes his living as a hit man in the criminal underworld in Taiwan. However, he has new responsibilities now--a young son. While one cannot sympathize with a character such as Yuuji, you cannot help but feeling a bit of empathy for him. How did he wind up where he is? What made him the man he is now? And can he change? More importantly, will he change? Yuuji must not only contend with his profession and his son in tow, but also with a man who cannot return to Japan until he has seen Yuuji dead. Actor Tomorawa Taguchi [who is depicted on this DVD case] has been in pursuit of Yuuji for some time. We see Yuuji run away from him in one scene--and wonder, why? Yuuji is a hit man. Why doesn't he just take him out? Or is it only about money? Only if the job pays? Or is there more to these two men.
There are not too many crime films I like. Sure, some are enjoyable or maybe have that mixture of great action thrown in. But there is something incredibly different with this film. IT FEELS SO REAL. You don't get the impression the actors are acting, but really are what they are. Director Takashi Miike pulled off an incredible job with this film. There are so many realistically portrayed scenes in this film that it would take pages to list them. Moreover, it would ruin the film for you. The first time I saw this film years ago, I knew it was good. And it has been very hard for me to like many crime films because I use this film as a measuring stick. Sure there are some great action films that I enjoy. But when it come to realism--this is the one. If there was ever a film that gave a better description of the mind of a killer and the criminal underworld--I haven't found it. This is the most un-Miike of Miike's films. Highly recommended.
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