The Meeksville Ghost [VHS]
Price: $800.98
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The Meeksville Ghost [VHS] Review
THE MEEKSVILLE GHOST (2001, 89 minutes) was a silly, fun family film set in modern Texas (weirdly filmed in South Africa, which apparently provided the entire crew and most of the cast). The incredibly hunky Andrew Kavovit plays Danny Logan, a boy who returns to the ghost town of Meeksville, Texas, to find out who his real parents were.There he encounters the ghost of Lucius Meeks ~ played by a brilliant, understated Judge Reinhold made up to look like Wyatt Earp or a cowboy right out of the very first films. The slapstick and generally wordless presence of Reinhold alone makes this odd film a real treat. What with a simple-minded storyline about property deeds and taking over the town of Meeksville, the other players get plenty enough to do.
What is a joy aside from watching the stunningly beautiful Kavovit (a Bronx native and bit-playing TV actor) bonking his head every other minute, which affords a nice all-around view of his fantastic build, is Reinhold. That man has been a favorite of mine and my wife's since the early 1980s and I have never seen him louse up a performance or act like a ham. It is in fact a pity his performance was wasted in this film.
Certain aspects were handled very imaginatively and with skill. When Lucius takes Danny back in time to show him the real backstory, it is a cleverly done contrivance that implies a ghost can offer time travel to the living. "I'm the ghost," Lucius tells Danny helplessly as they watch the events in the mid-19th century. "You're real, just in another time." It was fun to see and reminded me of The Frighteners (which was definitely NOT a family film).
Having seen a few scathing reviews, let me be clear about certain factors involved here: 1) This was meant to be a comedy with a tiny dose of drama; 2) This is a family film; 3) No one was bucking for Oscars here but the acting is quite good for something like this. So let that be on the record and put paid to the account of the whiners' complaints. I LIKED this movie. But then I have always loved poorly directed, mediocre-level family fun, as if there were any other kind.
I keep going back to Reinhold because he is truly the star and holds this thing together. How he ever got into that character, playing a ghost as if he knew what it's like to be one, not acting like a cowboy ~ I just don't know where Reinhold gets that Pacino-like skill. It's eerie. That is one idea that stayed in my mind while watching this film: I felt like I was watching a genuine ghost whenever I saw Reinhold, except in his flashback moments.
A few bad things, not to do with the film: I do not know why this is so darned expensive. $34? Is Amazon totally without scruples? Also, the bad reviews: look into something before you buy it thinking it will be an Oscar-worthy oeuvre. This is a South African production pretending to take place in Texas and it's an Encore Family Channel movie ... what do you want??
I gave this 4 stars because I liked it and it is almost suitable even for the smallest kids.
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