Murphy's War
Price: $498.73

Murphy's War Review
A merchant seaman seeks to destroy a German submarine crew in South America to avenge the slaughter of his shipmates. Peter O'Toole is Seaman-machinist Murphy, a sardonic Irishman who miraculously survives a massacre by German submariners who unmercifully gun down Royal Navy sailors in the water after torpedoing their ship. Murphy is rescued by a Quaker medical mission on the shores of a coastal river used by the Germans to hide their boat. Local Indians later rescue the merchant ship's pilot who discloses that his seaplane is recoverable. The Germans discover there is a survivor at the mission and the submarine commander executes the pilot while Murphy is retrieving the plane. Murphy resolves to wage war single-handedly against the Germans.Murphy's War is a very unique World War II story about an unlikely warrior who takes on overwhelming odds, and controversial when Germany is close to surrendering and ending the war in the Europe. The movie features some exciting flying scenes as Murphy learns to operate the airplane, as well as some surprising changes when he and the Germans fight to the bitter end.
The DVD release is excellent-much better than the old video tape edition.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Murphy's War" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Murphy's War ...

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