24 Heures Chrono - Coffret Bombe 49 DVD - Saisons 1 à 8 + Redemption - Edition limitée
Price: $334.16

24 Heures Chrono - Coffret Bombe 49 DVD - Saisons 1 8 + Redemption - Edition limit� e Review
Every so often, a show comes around that reinvents television for ever. The X-Files reinvented Sci-Fi. Seinfeld reinvented comedy. 24 does for Serialized Action dramas what these shows did for their respective genres. What's great about 24 is that nothing like it had ever been seen before. It was bold. It was fresh. It was exciting. Each season consists of 24 one-hour long episodes. Jack Bauer, a federal agent, needs to stop some kind of act of terrorism (it's new every season.) But there's a twist: it takes place in real time. Each hour is an hour in the show universe as well, meaning, when all is said and done, each season is a day in the life of Jack Bauer. Meticulously assembled (at least in the first 5 or so seasons), the real-time aspect made the show. A drive across town might take half an episode, but it's frustrating when a life is on the line. Traffic lights are excruciating, especially if Jack's wife and daughter are kidnapped by terrorists, and we know in moments, they might die. If a terrorist claims they will attack at the end of the hour, the suspense will last until the end of the episode. Even better (or worse if you've started to watch late at night), is that each and every episode ends with a game-changing cliffhanger. You will wonder how the writers can come up with so many twists, but they consistently top themselves. The acting is phenomenal, although a little shaky in season one. As the characters were more fleshed out and the actors settled in, their parts were more believable, emotional, and heartfelt. The show is pretty violent and uses torture many times in order to extract information from terrorists. This was the subject of much criticism during its run, but I found it wasn't done in an excessive way to "disturb" viewers. It was done "tastefully" (or as tastefully as torture can be. It would have been unrealistic for a terrorist to just pour out his soul to Jack upon his asking. I didn't have a problem with it, but opinions will vary. Simply brace yourself for this. 24 also switched between multiple storylines: How the public reacts, how the White House responds, and how Jack tries to prevent the attacks. 24 was an iconic part of television in the past decade. Its best seasons were seasons 1, 2, 4, and 5, while its weakest were seasons 3 and 6. Towards the end of the series, the writers seemed to not show as much regard for the real-time aspect that defined the show in its earlier years. Rides from one end of town could take place during a commercial break, but the quality of the show was not hindered by this. 24's effects were profound, as it significantly impacted the future of television. Do not miss this exciting, wonderfully acted, and intense series.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "24 Heures Chrono - Coffret Bombe 49 DVD - Saisons 1 � 8 + Redemption - Edition limit �e" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from 24 Heures Chrono - Coffret Bombe 49 DVD - Saisons 1 � 8 + Redemption - Edition limitée ...